Symposium Proceedings


Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 380 will be published within six months after the Symposium, in the IAU Proceedings Series by the IAU Publisher, Cambridge University Press (CUP). Please read the Instructions for Authors and Editors for the proceedings carefully (especially, Sections 1.4, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, and 2.9) when you prepare the manuscript:

The authors of the IAU Symposium 380 proceedings should use the template files that can be downloaded from  the link to .zip file (please open the directory IAU_AuthorMacro_IAUS380 and ignore the directory _MACOS) or the link to .tgz file (it is recommended to download or ダウンロード the file rather than to open directly the file) updated on 2023 May 1). 
For Overleaf users: Please compile with the TeX Live “2020 (Legacy)” or earlier version, which can be set in the “Menu” tab.

LaTex Templats for authors (updated August 2022) are given on-line:

Number of pages are 16 pages for reviews, 8 pages for invited talks, 4 pages for contributed talks, and 2 pages for posters. Poster presentations will not be published in the printed version for space reasons but will be available only in the online version.

   The online submission system, ScholarOne, will be used to collect the individual papers that will be published in the Proceedings. To submit your contribution, please access to ScholarOne to login (see the link below), click “Author” at the top of the login page to see “Start New Submission”, then click “Begin Submission”.  Please select the relevant symposium from the drop down (IAUS380):

*****************************************************************************   Proceedings manuscript must be submitted by May 26th (Fri) UT24:00.    *****************************************************************************

The author publishing agreements can be found on the Cambridge University Press website:

Please scan and send all pages of the signed form by email to: 

 Other useful links are listed below.

– Abbreviations in references to Serial Publications:

– International System (SI) of units:

– IAU Style Manual by G.A. Wilkins, Comm. 5, from IAU Transactions XXB (1989) chapter 8:

Editors: Tomoya Hirota (NAOJ, Japan), Hiroshi Imai (Kagoshima University (KU, Japan), Karl Menten (Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie, Germany), Ylva Pihlstrom (University of New Mexico, United States)